Zhang Zhenyu: Dust & Dust

Exhibition Period: May 9, 2024 Jun. 16, 2024

Opening: May 9, 2024, 4 pm (Thursday)



Mocube is honoured to present the latest exhibition of artist Zhang Zhenyu Dust & Dust” opening on May 9, 2024. This is Zhang Zhenyu’s second solo exhibition at Mocube following “Impermanence” in 2022. The exhibition will run until June 16, 2024.


Chen Chen: A Buddhist term. It seems to mean the world; it seems to mean eons; it is infinite.


Though it will inevitably amount to very little, there is extremely abundant that I want to express. Having excessive images won’t suffice, regardless of the complexity of things. Dust floats in the image, merely traces of whether the world exists or not. Through the dust, senses are sliced and crushed, stamped with the seal of perception. Everything is gazed at, hollow, with a flicker.


The world you see may not have to be colorful, it must be somehow composed of dust, surely bloomed in a certain kind of darkness.


The dust is simple, clear and pure; the colors I perceive are only illusions, attributed to that component, that silence.